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General Questions

Company Value

1. Team

Not applicable yetStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree
We have a diverse founding team with complementary skillsets.
Most of our founders have graduated from college/university.
Some of our founders have previously founded a startup.
The founders are 100% committed to our venture.
Not applicable yet0 - 3 Years4 - 6 years7 - 10 years11 - 15 yearsover 16 years

2. Timing

Not applicable yetStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree
Our customers would be disappointed if our products were not available anymore.
Our competitors are seeing high growth rates.
We are growing organically, i.e. we receive more customers through recommendations than through advertising.
Not applicable yet< 5 %6 - 10 %11 - 15 %16 - 20 %> 20%
Not applicable yet0up to 50.5 - 11 - 3> 3

3. Tech&Product

Not applicable yetStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agree
It is likely that our customers would recommend our product & service.
Our business model and the pain point that we solve can be explained in 2 sentences max.
We have clearly defined distribution channels (e.g. Amazon, direct-to-consumer, distribution partnerships, ...)
We have an unfair, competitive advantage (e.g. patents, IP, ...)
We have defined a clear path to revenue/profit.

4. Traction

Not applicable yetStrongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
We are already generating revenues with our MVP/prototype and/or have a product in market.
We are a dominant player in our market.
Not applicable yetpre-launch or < 5 %6 - 10 %11 - 15 %16 - 20 %> 20 %
Not applicable yetBelow 00 - 11 - 22 - 3Above 3
Not applicable yet0 - 34 - 67 - 1011 - 15more than 15 months